Brad Listi Is My Co-Pilot


For the last two plus years I’ve started my week by getting up at 3:40 in the morning, making coffee, and driving to L.A. During those long dark drives up the 805 to the 5, over to the 73 and then on to the 405, Brad Listi’s Other People was my co-pilot. No one feels like doing anything that early in the morning, but as I made my way to L.A. I would become inspired by the stories the writers on Other People shared. The heartache and loneliness of the struggle. The validation and joy of achievement. They all taught me something. Even the insufferable guests who never bothered to listen to the show and were baffled by Brad’s line of questioning were instructive. During those drives, I often thought about what it would be like to be on the show, what I would say, how I would craft my responses. Then, when my turn came to be on the show, it wasn’t anything like I thought it would be. It felt like having a conversation with an old acquaintance. Hats off to the host for doing a good thing extremely well and making it so easy to enjoy.